Thursday, February 7, 2013

In and out

As my young blog shows, my key holder,  the cb and me are making first steps here. So far, threading casually. Not too intense just yet. Discovery. Investigation. Fun.
Princess K says she is still looking for an "in". Her angel, her draw. She enjoys the teasing very much she says. This morning after a night of passion and teasing that ended with climax for her only and with a night of locked arousal for me I was wandering if by the time she will find her "in" and settle happily into this arrangement I will be looking for  my outs...:) but it will be too late then.
Is that how it usually works?
So far we are operating on medium speed here. Probobly recommended for all beginners. Last weekend I was allowed to come. It was a great night. Princess K really made me happy in many ways. I kept feeling it through out the next morning.
I did realized that I have less of a need to write when sated. How interesting. Orson Wells once remarked that creativity's greatest enemy is the lack of limitations...
 Maybe when locked,  emotionally anxious by the unknown and the lack of control that I find writing here to be a suiting outlet.
I am still figuring things out.
More to come,

1 comment:

  1. Think you are experiencing the post orgasm let down. If your princess notices a decrease in your attentiveness, you may find your orgasms becoming few and far between. It's funny that when I've been locked for a short time and she unlocks me, I look forward to being relocked, but as my locked period gets longer I start wanting to be unlocked and when it happens, I have a hard time going back in even though I haven't had a release. Although I get fewer orgasms, they are the most intense I've ever had.
