Do I need to say something for not having written here for 3 months? Not really. It's my blog and I can do with it as I please I tell myself so to not feel too guilty.
But this here post is more of an update or a question. Not feeling too happy with the plastic cb I am moving on. Time to play with the big kids league of custom-made devices.
Having spend the better part of last week with the sizing rings from Mature Metal I am now left with one decision to make: The 1 1/8th or the 1 1/4 for diameter ? Snug is such a subjective concept.
My faithful and helpful reader and commentator, Wishful4, discussed some of that on my blog before. I would love to here from you again. This post is kind of meant for you, but all are welcome to put in their advice. Us guys we love to talk shop no matter what is the contraption at hand.. :)